Threshold Analysis
Find the best way to ensure successful paid search bidding – regardless of regional guidelines.
Understanding the regional frameworks behind Google’s paid search guidelines can be a challenge. Let us ensure your bids are effective with semantic, sentiment and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. W&H offers you the help you need to boost paid search success whilst staying within geo and industry specific boundaries.
Regional Guidelines
Paid search regulations vary from geo to geo. So how do you make sure your ads are more likely to be approved when there rules seem to change constantly? Let us dive in and help you create a winning and more informed strategy.
Bid Successfully
While some industries face greater scrutiny by Google paid search regulators, there is still the potential for smarter and successful bidding.
Play By The Rules
Paid search guidelines exist for a reason. For the continued growth of your business and future bidding success, we help you understand the best way to advertise your business without stepping on any toes.
Preview Our Business Banking Report
Ready to find out more on our COMPASS Flagship Report? Request a free copy of our Australian Business Banking Report 2023 to get a preview of how our innovative analytics break down digital performance.
For this look at the Australian banking industry, we evaluated the strengths of longterm brick & mortar groups and how rising fintech newcomers have been able to gain ground. From organic and paid search to UX performance, there are lessons to be found that go beyond any industry niche. Find out what you can learn from the successful strategies we trace – and discover what pitfalls you can avoid with the right planning.